
  • 什么政策张贴到这个网站?

    只有那些适用于整个大学的政策才会发布到这个网站. 一些部门和部门有自己的政策页面, 特色政策不适用于学校或单位以外, 因此没有被张贴在这个网站上.

  • 政策、程序和指导方针之间MG线上电子游戏是什么?

    Policies 为决策设定一些参数,但要留有灵活性的空间. 它们显示了行动背后的“为什么”. 政策通常包括什么可以/不可以或必须做什么. 它们可以(但并不总是)具有审计含义. The application of a policy is generally University-wide and applies to everyone engaged in an activity.

    Procedures, on the other hand, explain the “how” with step-by-step instructions for specific routine tasks. 它们甚至可能包括要遵循的清单或流程步骤. It may be helpful to think about including procedures in a policy when it is important everyone follows specific steps to adhere to the policy.

    该大学的 策略模板 includes a “Process” section outlining the general processes and procedures for following the Policy. Departments/divisions may have additional procedures for implementing the applicable policy as long as such procedures are consistent with the University Policy.

    Guidelines—documents that explain existing policies or otherwise do not mandate or restrict action—may be adopted at the school, department, 或者单位级别 without following prescribed procedures for developing University Policies. Similarly, procedures that detail the steps necessary to operationalize and implement policies may be adopted without formal review. However, documents should not be labeled as guidelines or procedures as a means of avoiding the policy development and approval process.

    At the same time, not all communications need to be adopted in the form of a University Policy. 检讨政策建议时, the Policy Advisory Committee may determine that the proposed policy should be implemented at the school, department, 或者单位级别, or that it should be adopted as guidelines or a procedure instead of a policy.

    新MG线上电子游戏给定文件是否为一套指导方针的问题, a procedure, 或向大学政策办公室提交大学政策 policy@braendebriketter.com.

  • What is meant by "minor revisions" and "substantial revisions" when discussing policies?

    A minor 修订是指不影响基本要求的修订, principles, 政策的范围或意图, 而是由非实质性或技术性的更正组成, 更新或澄清, such as substituting a new title or new name of a department or unit; adding a reference to a new regulation or guideline; re-ordering information for clarity; or inserting a definition to explain the policy. 如果有人提出大量的小修改, the policy might need a more thorough review and potentially substantive revisions.

    A substantial revision is one that introduces a significant change to the scope or consequence of a policy. If the proposed revisions alter the underlying principles or intent of the policy, 或大大降低或扩大政策的要求, 那么修改是实质性的.

  • Can a school or department adopt its own policy on a matter already addressed in a University Policy?

    Yes, so long as the school or department policy does not conflict with the University Policy and is made accessible to the University community. The school, department or unit policy may be more restrictive than the University Policy.

  • Who can address questions related to a policy’s implementation or interpretation?

    Generally, such questions may be directed to the Responsible Department for the policy. The designated Responsible Department is typically the office that developed the policy and is therefore charged with the policy’s review and update. 负责部门在政策文件中指定.

    If you are unable to determine the Responsible Department for a given policy, or if you have additional questions regarding a policy after contacting the Responsible Department, 请与政策办公室联系,电话 policy@braendebriketter.com.

  • 谁可以发起一项新政策?

    任何大学, department, or unit may initiate a new policy by working with their Responsible Officer to prepare a draft of such policy on the 策略模板 and submitting the proposed policy to the Business and Financial Affairs Office, 注:政策谘询委员会将检讨的政策. Approved proposals are developed in collaboration with the Responsible Department for the policy and other interested stakeholders, 由政策谘询委员会指定.

    Members of the University community who are interested in initiating a new University Policy are encouraged to contact the University Policy Office at policy@braendebriketter.com.

  • 政策谘询委员会的角色是什么?

    The role of the Policy Advisory Committee is to review and provide feedback on proposals for new policies or policy revisions; to ensure that policy proposals are properly and expeditiously developed, approved, and implemented; and to advise the University community on policy development and implementation.

  • 政策是如何制定和批准的?

    The Responsible Officer will work with interested stakeholders to develop the policy. 必须使用该标准起草政策 策略模板. The Business and Financial Affairs Office will work with the Responsible Department and the Policy Advisory Committee to review and edit draft policies.

    A flow chart outlining the policy development and approval process is available here.

  • 如何通知大学社区新政策或政策修订?

    责任部门, 与政策谘询委员会协调, will coordinate the announcement and distribution of new policies and policy revisions. 新出台的政策和政策修订, 和其他政策一样, ,可在本网站的政策资料库内查阅.

  • 谁负责审查和更新政策?

    责任部门 for a policy is charged with ensuring that a policy is assessed in a timely manner, reviewed, and updated. 责任部门 is indicated on the first page of the policy document. Each University policy will be reviewed by the Responsible Department and revised as necessary at least every five years.